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Klampfer L, Huang J, Shirasawa S, Sasazuki T, Augenlicht L. Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Induce Cell Death Selectively in Cells That Harbor Activated kRasV12: The Role of Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription 1 and p21. Cancer Res., 67(18): 8477-85, 2007
Derouet M, Wu X, May L, Hoon Yoo B, Sasazuki T, Shirasawa S, Rak J, Rosen KV. Acquisition of anoikis resistance promotes the emergence of oncogenic K-ras mutations in colorectal cancer cells and stimulates their tumorigenicity in vivo. Neoplasia., 9(7):536-45, 2007
Cleynen I, Huysmans C, Sasazuki T, Shirasawa S, Van de Ven W, Peeters K. Transcriptional control of the human high mobility group A1 gene: Basal and oncogenic ras-regulated expression. Cancer Res., 67(10):4620-9, 2007
Takeuchi F, Yanai K, Inomata H, Kuzuya N, Kajio H, Honjo S, Takeda N, Kaburagi Y, Yasuda K, Shirasawa S, Sasazuki T, Kato N. Search of type 2 diabetes susceptibility gene on chromosome 20q. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 357(4):1100-6, 2007
Psahoulia FH, Moumtzi S, Roberts ML, Sasazuki T, Shirasawa S, Pintzas A. Quercetin mediates preferential degradation of oncogenic Ras and causes autophagy in Ha-RAS transformed human colon cells. Carcinogenesis,28(5):1021-31, 2007
Klampfer L, Huang J, Kaler P, Sasazuki T, Shirasawa S, Augenlicht L. STAT1-independent inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 expression by IFNgamma; a common pathway of IFNgamma-mediated gene repression but not gene activation. Oncogene, 26(14):2071-81, 2007
Sarthy AV, Morgan-Lappe SE, Zakula D, Vernetti L, Schurdak M, Packer JC, Anderson MG, Shirasawa S, Sasazuki T, Fesik SW. Survivin depletion preferentially reduces the survival of activated K-Ras-transformed cells. Mol. Cancer. Ther., 6(1):269-76, 2007
