Main subjects

  1. Molecular therapy targeting for cancer stem cells
  2. Near-infrared ray therapy of cancer
  3. Sonodynamic therapy of cancer
  4. Diagnosis and therapy of dyslipidemia

Members and each subject
Shin’ichiro YasunagaProfessor

  1. Molecular mechanism turning on and off the proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells and leukemic stem cells
  2. Molecular mechanism of stem cell regulation by visualizing Geminin protein expression
  3. Development of method for ex vivo amplification of hematopoietic stem cells

Namiko Segawa(Associate Professor

  1. Relation among sphingophospholipid composition, HDL function, and lipoprotein subfractions as analyzed by capillary isotachophoresis
  2. Effects of lipid-lowering therapy on electronegative LDL and small, dense LDL in patients with chronic heart failure
  3. Discordance analysis of LDL-C and nonHDL-C levels with major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with coronary heart disease

Hirotomo ShibaguchiAssociate Professor

  1. Development of non-invasive cancer therapy with low-intensity ultrasound
  2. Development of clinical laboratory method for predicting allergy with further high sensitivity

Naoto ShirasuAssociate Professor

  1. Cancer theranostics using human antibody conjugated with near-infrared photosensitizer
  2. Development of a novel drug delivery system with human antibody-displaying exosome (AbEx)

Hiromi YamadaResearch Technician

  1. Management and guidance of experimental instruments of Dept. of Biochem.
  2. Maintenance of frozen cells in liquid nitrogen

Takako SuwabeResearch Assistant

  1. Molecular and pathological profiling of endometrial cancer

Kohei MiyataAssistant Professor

  1. Identification of trascriptional factors involved in the expression of HB-EGF

Satoshi FukagawaAssistant Professor

  1. Identification of resistant genes against molecular targeted therapies in ovarian cancer