


  1. 久保真一.検案・解剖で診る薬物中毒症例.新潟市医師会報.2020; 589: 2- 5.
  2. 久保真一.毛髪からのデートレイプドラッグ検出法の確立.Research. 2020; 25(1): 41-43.
  3. 工藤恵子,坂 幹樹,久保真一.法医剖検診断のための質量分析計(MS)を用いた薬毒物スクリーニングと定量検査-現在の流れと方向性-.法医病理. 2020; 26(1): 1- 8.
  4. Waters B, Takayama M, Kashiwagi M, Hara K, Matsusue A, Kubo S. An autopsy case of acute ethanol intoxication with a high concentration of caffeine: A warning about dangerous drinking. 日本アルコール・薬物医学会雑誌,2020; 55 (4), 151-158.
  5. 大脇涼子,Brian Waters,原 健二,松末 綾,柏木正之,久保真一.局所麻酔薬メピバカイン中毒による低酸素脳症の1例:麻酔時の血中濃度の推定を中心として.法医学の実際と研究.2020; 63: 23- 28.
  6. Kawashima Y, Yonemoto N, Kawanishi C, Otsuka K, Mimura M, Otaka Y, Okamura K, Kinoshita T, Shirakawa O, Yoshimura R, Eto N, Hashimoto S, Tachikawa H, Furuno T, Sugimoto T, Ikeshita K, Inagaki M, Yamada M. Two‐day assertive‐case‐management educational program for medical personnel to prevent suicide attempts: A multicenter pre–post observational study. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2020; 74: 362-370.
  7. 衞藤暢明. 自殺の危険の高い患者との経験とあやまちから学ぶ. 九州神経精神医学. 2020; 65(3-4), 143-147.
  8. 衞藤暢明, 川嵜弘詔. 外来で行う自殺関連行動への対応と自殺予防外来の試み. 外来精神医療. 2020; 20(1), 37-40.
  9. 衞藤暢明. 若年者の自殺予防 −自殺の危険から見た自殺予防の基礎−. 日本精神神経科診療所協会ジャーナル. 2020; 45(5), 12-36.


  1. Ikematsu N, Kashiwagi M, Hara K, Waters B, Matsusue A, Takayama M, Kubo S. Organ distribution of endogenous p-cresol in hemodialysis patients. J Med Invest. 2019; 66: 81-85.
  2. 久保真一.法医学からみるカフェイン中毒 : 急性中毒と慢性中毒.アディクションと家族.2019; 34(2): 114-116.
  3. 桐生京佳(王璐),池松夏紀,Brian Waters,原 健二,久保真一,北村 修:高血中p-cresol濃度を呈した透析中に発症した致死的小脳出血の1剖検例.法医病理.2019; 25(1): 27-32.
  4. Eto N. Learning from my experiences and mistakes with suicidal patients. The Journal of the Japan Psychoanalytic Society. 2019; Vol.1. 56-67.
  5. 衞藤暢明,原田康平,松尾真裕子,吉良健太郎,大串祐馬,畑中聡仁,川嵜弘詔. 総合病院精神科外来での自殺予防. 精神神経学雑誌. 2019; 121(11): 873-879.
  6. 箱田浩介,吉良健太郎,衞藤暢明,川嵜弘詔. 抗うつ薬の種類と使いかた. 臨床と研究. 2019; 96(5): 521-525.
  7. 畑中聡仁,原田康平,衞藤暢明,松下満彦,徳永雄一郎,川嵜弘詔. 入院中の自殺予防. 精神科. 2019; 34(5): 499-505.
  8. 衞藤暢明(分担・訳). 精神力動的精神医学. 第5版 G・O・ギャバード(著) 2019; p399-426.


  1. Fujii H, Waters B, Hara K, Ikematsu N, Takayama M, Matsusue A, Kashiwagi M, Kubo S. A modified direct-heating headspace solid-phase microextraction method for drug screening with urine samples. Forensic Toxicol. 2018; 36(1): 225-228.
  2. Takayama M, Waters B, Fujii H, Hara K, Kashiwagi M, Matsusue A, Ikematsu N, Kubo S. Subarachnoid hemorrhage in a Japanese cocaine abuser: Cocaine-related sudden death. Leg Med. 2018; 32: 43-47.
  3. Waters B, Hara K, Ikematsu N, Takayama M, Matsusue A, Kashiwagi M, Kubo S. Quantitation of tetrodotoxin in postmortem specimens using SPE and HILIC LC-MS/MS: Tissue distribution of a forensic autopsy case. Jpn J Forensic Sci Tech. 2018; 23(2): 125-131.
  4. Waters B, Hara K, Ikematsu N, Takayama M, Matsusue A, Kashiwagi M, Kubo S. Tissue distribution of suvorexant in three forensic autopsy cases. J Anal Toxcol. 2018; 42(4): 276–283.
  5. Waters B, Hara K, Ikematsu N, Takayama M, Matsusue A, Kashiwagi M, Kubo S. An unusual case of suicide by methanol ingestion. Forensic Sci Int. 2018; 289: e9-e14.
  6. Matsusue A, Ikeda T, Tani N, Waters B, Hara K, Kashiwagi M, Takayama M, Ikematsu N, Kubo S, Ishikawa T. Association between cytochrome P450 2D6 polymorphisms and body fluid methamphetamine concentrations in Japanese forensic autopsy cases. Forensic Sci Int. 2018; 289: 33-39.
  7. Matsusue A, Ishikawa T, Ikeda T, Tani N, Arima H, Waters B, Hara K, Kashiwagi M, Takayama M, Ikematsu N, Kubo S. DRD2/ANKK1 gene polymorphisms in forensic autopsies of methamphetamine intoxication fatalities. Leg Med. 2018; 33: 6-9.
  8. Ikematsu N, Kashiwagi M, Hara K, Waters B, Matsusue A, Takayama M, Kubo S. Diagnostic meaning of blood p-cresol concentration in forensic autopsy cases. Leg Med. 2018; 34: 27-35.


  1. Matsusue A, Ishikawa T, Michiue T, Waters B, Hara K, Kashiwagi M, Takayama M, Ikematsu N, Kubo S. Association between cerebrospinal fluid dopamine concentrations and catechol-O-methyltransferase gene polymorphisms in forensic autopsy cases of methamphetamine abusers. Forensic Sci Int. 2017; 270: 159-164.
  2. Fujii H, Waters B, Hara K, Kashiwagi M, Matsusue A, Kubo S. Simple regioisomeric differentiation of 2-, 3- and 4-methyl-α-pyrrolidinobutiophenones by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using bromination. Forensic Toxicol. 2017; 35 (1): 162-166.
  3. Kubo S, Waters B, Hara K, Fukunaga T, Ikematsu K. A report of novel psychoactive substances in forensic autopsy cases and a review of fatal cases in the literature. Leg Med(Tokyo). 2017; 26: 79-85.
  4. Waters B, Hara K, Ikematsu N, Takayama M, Kashiwagi M, Matsusue A, Kubo S. Volatile hydrocarbon analysis in blood by headspace solid-phase microextraction: the interpretation of VHC patterns in fire-related incidents. J Anal Toxicol.2017; 41(4): 300-306.
  5. Takayama M, Waters B, Hara K, Kashiwagi M, Matsusue A, Fujii H, Ikematsu N, Kubo S. An autopsy case of serotonin syndrome induced by illegal antipsychotics. Rom J Leg Med. 2017; 25(3): 260-265.
  6. 池松夏紀,Brian Waters,原 健二,柏木正之,松末 綾,髙山みお,久保真一.法医剖検例における血中カフェイン濃度の概要.日本アルコール・薬物医学会雑誌.2017; 52(6): 297-305.