


  1. 久保真一.死因究明等推進基本法と福岡県に必要な施策を考える.福岡県警察医会会報.2019; 22: 9-17.
  2. Ishigami A, Kubo S, Hara K, Waters B, Tokunaga I, Nishimura A. Fatal accidental asphyxia in the reverse jack-knife position on a chair with wheels. Leg Med. 2019; 36: 81-84.
  3. Ikematsu N, Kashiwagi M, Hara K, Waters B, Matsusue A, Takayama M, Kubo S. Organ distribution of endogenous p-cresol in hemodialysis patients. J Med Invest. 2019; 66: 81-85.
  4. Takayama M, Kashiwagi M, Aoki M, Nabeshima K, Kubo S. An autopsy case of a large pelvic fibroma and its medical relation to the cause of death. Albanian J Medical Health Sciences. 2019; 50, (in press).
  5. 久保真一.法医学からみるカフェイン中毒 : 急性中毒と慢性中毒.アディクションと家族.2019; 34(2): 114-116.
  6. Matsusue A, Kubo S, Ikeda T, Tani N, Maeda T, Kashiwagi M, Hara K, Waters B, Takayama M, Ikematsu N, Ishikawa T. VNTR polymorphism in the monoamine oxidase A promoter region and cerebrospinal fluid catecholamine concentrations in forensic autopsy cases. Neurosci Lett. 2019; 701:71-76.
  7. 桐生京佳(王 ),池松夏紀,Brian Waters,原 健二,久保真一,北村 修.高血中p-cresol濃度を呈した透析中に発症した致死的小脳出血の1剖検例.法医病理.2019; 25(1): 27-32.